Industrial Robotix offers Pre-Engineered and Custom Robotic Welding Cells with single or mult-axis positioners with payloads up to 10,000#, single or mult-arm configuration using robots from Fanuc, Yaskawa Motoman, or OTC Daihen. Welding packages from Lincon Electric and OTC Daihen.

Industrial Robotix SP1000 Robotic Welding Cell
Single or Multi-arm
Common base platform
SP1000 servo positioner
24 x 48 tool plates each side
Up to 3000# side capacity -
Shot pin redundant locating
Hardened tool steel makes and pockets -
Fanuc, Motoman Yaskawa, or OTC Daihen robot options
Lincoln, Miller, OTC Daihen welding power supply options
Allen Bradley CompactGuardlogix safety PLC with 12" color HMI is standard. Other options available.
Light-curtain protected operator zone
Interlocked access gates
ANSI / RIA compliant
Industrial Robotix SP3000 Robotic Welding Cell
Single or Multi-arm
Common base platform
SP3000 servo positioner
Dual headstock / tailstock
Up to 3000# side capacity, up to 144" span. -
Shot pin redundant locating
Hardened tool steel makes and pockets -
Fanuc, Motoman Yaskawa, or OTC Daihen robot options
Lincoln, Miller, OTC Daihen welding power supply options
Allen Bradley CompactGuardlogix safety PLC with 12" color HMI is standard. Other options available.
Light-curtain protected operator zone
Interlocked access gates
ANSI / RIA compliant
Industrial Robotix FW3000 Robotic Welding Cell
Single or Multi-arm
Common base platform assemblies
FW3000 servo positioner
Three-axis servo ferris-wheel positioner. Up to 3000# side capacity, 144" span, -
Dual-shot pin redundant locating
Hardened tool steel makes and pockets -
Fanuc, Motoman Yaskawa, or OTC Daihen robot options
Lincoln, Miller, OTC Daihen welding power supply options
Allen Bradley CompactGuardlogix safety PLC with 12" color HMI is standard. Other options available.
Light-curtain protected operator zone
Interlocked access gates
ANSI / RIA compliant
Custom Robotic Welding Cells
Custom cell arrangement, custom designed
Single or Multi-arm
Multiple servo positioner selections from Ferris Wheel, Turn Table, Headstock / Tailstock, RTU Transport, Tilt/Rotate and more.
Fanuc, Motoman Yaskawa, or OTC Daihen robot options
Lincoln, Miller, OTC Daihen welding power supply options
Allen Bradley CompactGuardlogix safety PLC with 12" color HMI is standard. Other options available.
Light-curtain protected operator zone
Interlocked access gates
ANSI / RIA compliant